Are you one of those who fall asleep during travelling? Well, some people become insomniacs when they are travelling while some may fall asleep in no time.
Sometimes, people would prefer sleeping while travelling, especially on a plane. But with snorers it becomes difficult.
Snoring while travelling can turn your and others' peaceful nap into misery. So, what can be done?
In this blog, we will be discussing some travelling hacks that can help with snoring.
Have a good sleep the night before travelling:

Did you know lack of sleep can make you snore even more loudly? Well, that's true. So it is very important to get enough rest and sleep a night before you travel. Also, when you are travelling for a shorter duration, it might help you stay awake.
Proper sitting position:
If you want to sleep on a flight or bus, it is better you don’t lean your head back. Leaning back of the head can cause the tongue to fall back due to gravity which can partially obstruct the airways and cause snoring.
It is always good to keep your seat straight. You can use a neck pillow to keep the neck straight while sleeping. This will help you get a noiseless nap.
Also, turning on your side while taking a nap can be another best alternative if you don't have a neck pillow, or you can also lie on your side when you are travelling by train or sleeper bus where you have a seat to lie down.
Stay well hydrated:
Staying well hydrated is very important as dehydration can cause the throat to dry and increase your chance to snore. When you are travelling in a plane, the oxygen levels are low, which can make you snore more.
Also, avoid taking caffeine and alcohol during travelling as they may increase snoring.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol:
Beverages like caffeine and alcohol can cause the smooth muscles in your throat to relax, which can make the airways narrower, making it difficult to breathe. This way, it can increase the chances of you snoring during your trip. Also, these beverages can make you dehydrated, causing sore throat and snoring. Hence it is good to avoid taking these beverages before and during travelling.
Avoid smoking:
Cigarette smoking can worsen your snoring. This is because smoking can cause inflammation in the airway lining. When the lining of the airways is inflamed and swollen, the space in the airways gets narrower and less air can pass through them. This makes breathing difficult, thereby worsening your snoring. Hence, it is always good to avoid smoking before and during travelling.
Make sure your seat is clean:
If you are travelling by bus or train, clean your seat and make sure your nearby area is clean, as allergens can trigger snoring in some people.
In some people, allergies can be the reason for snoring. Allergies can cause symptoms like runny or blocked nose, stuffy nose and post-nasal drip. These symptoms can make you snore.
Use your snoring devices:
Do not forget to carry your snoring devices whenever you are travelling. The most commonly used snoring devices include nasal strips. These strips can be easily used and can help you reduce snoring.
Inhale essential oils:
Since you are travelling, you can't use a steam inhaler or humidifier, so carry essential oils if you are not allergic to them. You can use eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, thyme oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil or rosemary oil. You can also use a blend of these oils. You can put a few drops of these oils on your clothes or use a vapor patch containing these oils.
Try to breathe through your nose and not your mouth:
Breathing through your nose can help moisten the air before it reaches the airways. It also helps trap dust, dirt, microbes, pollen, and other foreign particles and prevents them from reaching the lungs.
Most people breathe through their mouths, especially while sleeping. Mouth breathing can make the airways dry and increase the chance of snoring.
Mouth breathing can be due to various reasons, such as nasal congestion, breathing difficulty, etc. Sleeping on your side can help some people reduce mouth breathing.