Monsoon Sickness: Types, Causes, Route of Transmission and Preventive Measures to be taken

Monsoon sickness: Types, Causes, Route of Transmission and Preventive Measures to be taken

Blog written by: Sourav Pattanayak (M Pharm, MBA)

The term "monsoon sickness" describes a number of ailments that are frequently connected to the rainy season, also known as the monsoon season. These ailments are frequently brought on by elements, including elevated humidity, tainted water, and the abundance of disease-carrying insects at this time.

The monsoon season is now well underway, and although the rain may improve many things, it might compromise your immunity. This is due to the fact that the rainy, humid weather creates the perfect environment for viruses to grow and flourish. Boosting immunity and preventing illnesses brought on by the monsoon, such as colds, flu, rashes, fever, or general weakness, becomes crucial. Additionally, the monsoon season may affect your metabolism, increasing your likelihood of developing bloating and indigestion.

Routes by which monsoon diseases can spread

Basically, 3 ways to cause monsoon diseases are listed below-

1. Air

The majority of contagious diseases are spread through the air. During the monsoon season, air acts as a conduit for illnesses that can be spread by minute bacteria that result in

  • Common Cold
  • Influenza

2. Mosquito

The monsoon season brings heavy rains that may cause stagnant water to build up, which is the ideal environment for mosquito breeding. This, in turn, promotes the spread of illnesses, such as,

  • Dengue
  • Malaria
  • Chikungunya

3. Water

Even though rainwater is the cleanest form of water, it cannot be used because of the toxins it picks up from the environment and the unclean ways people store and distribute it. Consequently, being around such water puts us in danger of catching illnesses such as,

  • Typhoid
  • Jaundice
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera

Diseases or illnesses linked to monsoon season

Some typical conditions that are linked to the monsoon season are-

Dengue Fever- The Aedes mosquito spreads the virus that causes it. Some symptoms include a high body temperature, a painful headache, painful joint and muscle pain, a rash, and tiredness.

Malaria- It is a parasite-based illness spread by mosquitoes. This causes high temperature, chills, headaches, body pains, and weariness are a few possible symptoms.

Chikungunya- It is a viral illness that is spread by mosquitoes. It causes high temperature, excruciating joint pain, headache, aching muscles, rash, and exhaustion.

Typhoid Fever- Salmonella typhi is the bacterial infection that is cause typhoid fever. High temperature, headache, stomach discomfort, exhaustion, and loss of appetite are a few symptoms.

Gastrointestinal Infections- The monsoon season may result in tainted water and food, which raises the possibility of gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and discomfort in the abdomen.

Respiratory Infections- The monsoon's moist and muggy conditions can exacerbate respiratory illnesses, including the flu, pneumonia, and the common cold.

How to boost immunity to fight against these diseases?

Some suggestions for enhancing immunity are provided below.

Omega 3 fatty acids- Your immune system is strengthened by the necessary omega-3 fatty acid, which also benefits for heart and brain. It functions by boosting white blood cell activity, which aids in warding off dangerous germs and viruses. Omega-3 was found in fatty fish, soybean oil, walnuts, hemp seed, flaxseed, mackerel, salmon fish, chia seeds, cod liver oil, and plant oils. The anti-inflammatory properties of this help boost your recovery from an illness by reducing inflammation.

Exercise- Regular exercise not only keeps you healthy but also strengthens your immune system. Exercise increases blood flow and activates serotonin synthesis in the body. Get going by finding some special workouts for your body type.

Vitamin D- Vitamin D, generally referred to as the vitamin of sunshine, is another crucial component to strengthen your immune system. You can be more prone to common ailments if you don't get enough vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D can harm immune system function and has been related to an increased risk of respiratory infections. Try to get adequate vitamin D. Foods rich in vitamin D includes, fatty fish, salmon fish, dairy products, beef liver, cod liver oil and egg yolks in your daily routine diet. Additionally, fortified vegetarian/vegan diets and mushrooms contain it. To assist your body, activate the Vitamin D in your meals, and don’t forget to bask in the sun for a while in the morning.

Vitamin C-rich foods- Vitamin C has several advantages for your immune system, not just one. It increases defenses against pathogenic diseases. Additionally, it boosts the cellular immune response and stimulates the generation of immune-stimulating cells. Some foods strong in vitamin C content are citrus fruits, potatoes, lemons, orange juice, limes juice, peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, leafy greens vegetable, blackcurrants and tomatoes.

Taking kadha- According to our research, turmeric, basil, black pepper, and cinnamon are essential for increasing immunity. Since ancient times, humans have used spices and herbs for their flavour, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immunity-boosting effects.

Sleep Well- You need 8 hours of sleep each night to be refreshed and prepared for the difficulties of the following day. Additionally, getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night during the monsoon season increases immunity and shields against the flu and other common cold symptoms.

The genetic testing- Immune response is significantly influenced by genetics, which has an impact on our capacity to combat disease. To determine if a person is predisposed to developing a certain disease, genetic testing is advised. If there are any anomalies, it will aid in determining their cause and enable prompt treatment.

Preventive measures for monsoon illness

Here are some ways by which you can prevent yourself from monsoon sickness

Stay Hygienic- Keep your hands clean by routinely washing them with soap and water, especially before eating or touching your face.

Drink Purified Water- For drinking reasons, only use filtered or boiling water. Do not drink untreated water, including that from taps or sellers on the street. Carry a portable water filter or use water purification pills if necessary.

Avoid Street Food- Avoiding Street food during the monsoon season is advised since it may not be cooked in a hygienic manner. Choose freshly prepared meals at home or from respectable establishments.

Eat Fresh and Clean Food- Make sure the food you eat is freshly prepared, cooked to perfection, and served hot. Avoid eating fruits and vegetables that can't be peeled or are raw or undercooked.

Maintain Clean Surroundings- Avoid having standing water near your home since it might serve as a mosquito breeding ground. Maintaining good drainage and routine cleaning and disinfection of your surroundings will help to prevent water buildup.

Use Mosquito Repellents- To protect yourself against illnesses spread by mosquitoes like dengue, malaria, or chikungunya, use repellent creams, lotions, or sprays. Cover windows and doors with mosquito nets or screens to keep mosquitoes out.

Protect Yourself from Rainwater- When going outside during a rainy scission, take an umbrella or raincoat to prevent getting soaked. Wearing wet clothing might increase your risk of contracting infections.

Boost Your Immunity- You may maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, and getting enough sleep. Include immune-boosting items in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Stay Vaccinated- Keep up with any recommended immunizations, such as those for prevalent monsoon-related diseases in your area. For particular advice, speak with your healthcare physician.

Seek Medical Help- Seek immediate medical attention if you have any signs of disease, including fever, coughing, a cold, diarrhoea, or any other discomfort. Early detection and treatment can lessen the risk of problems.


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