Foods to Avoid During Monsoon to Prevent Respiratory Problems and Boost Immunity

Written by: DHRITHI BHAT

Monsoons reduce the unbearable summer heat, but because of the wetness and humidity, they also increase the risk of respiratory illnesses. Paying attention to our nutrition is essential if we want to stay healthy throughout this season. Certain foods can aggravate respiratory issues, impair immunity, and make people more susceptible to infections. Let's look at a few things to avoid during the monsoon and suggest healthier alternatives to boost our defenses and protect our respiratory systems.

Fried and Oily Foods:

During the rainy season, our digestive systems slow down, making handling heavy, fried, and greasy foods difficult. Such foods may result in indigestion, bloating, and respiratory irritation. Instead of fried snacks, choose healthier options like steamed or boiled items. You should eat more fruits and vegetables because they are rich in nutrients that are necessary for healthy digestion.

Street Food and Chaat:

Despite the allure of chaat and other street food, the rainy season can make them an ideal environment for pathogens and other toxins. Consuming unhygienic street food can lead to digestive disorders, which have a direct effect on respiratory health. It's crucial to avoid street food at this time and instead for nutritious substitutes like freshly made snacks.

Dairy Products:

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are known to encourage the production of mucus and can aggravate respiratory disorders. When the air is already damp and thick during the monsoon, more mucus can further obstruct the airways. If you've experienced respiratory problems in the past, you should limit your dairy intake. Choose plant-based alternatives like almond milk or soy yogurt to suit your nutritional demands.

Cold Beverages and Ice Creams:

Cold beverages and ice cream may seem appealing during the muggy monsoon season, but they can irritate the throat and cause respiratory problems. In cold temperatures, the airways may narrow, which can make breathing difficult. Use warm herbal teas, soups, and broths to soothe throat discomfort and keep your respiratory system healthy.

Raw and Cut Fruits:

During the monsoon, it's crucial to keep an eye out for the cleanliness and hygienic conditions of fruits. Fruits that have been cut or eaten raw, particularly those that have been exposed to dampness, may attract bacteria and spread disease. Eat whole, easily washed, and peeled fruits like bananas, oranges, and apples instead. These fruits provide you with essential nutrients and boost your resistance to respiratory infections.

In order to avoid respiratory problems and build our immunity as the monsoon season approaches, it's critical that we pay attention to what we eat. Avoiding fried and greasy foods, street food, dairy products, cold beverages, and raw-cut fruits might help you maintain a healthy respiratory system. Instead, consider warm beverages, whole, easy-to-clean fruits, and lighter, prepared meals. Include foods that strengthen the immune system in your diet as well, such as citrus fruits, ginger, garlic, and turmeric.

By making wise food choices, we can safeguard our respiratory health and enjoy a comfortable, infection-free monsoon season.



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