Can H3N2 Cause Sleep Deficiency?

Can H3N2 Cause Sleep Deficiency?

Blog written by: Dhrithi Bhat

‘Coronasomnia’ is nothing new to us. We all know how people suffered from sleep deprivation during the COVID-19 phase. The same phenomenon has been observed in people suffering from the H1N1 virus.

According to The Indian Express (11th April 2023), Dr Sanjit Sasidharan, consultant and senior critical care specialist at SL Raheja Hospital in Mahim-A Fortis, said H3N2 patients experienced sleep disturbances very similar to COVID-19 and H1N1.

Recently, narcolepsy-like sleep patterns have been increasingly observed among people with the H3N2 virus. You feel refreshed when you wake up, but you have excessive fatigue during the day and trouble falling asleep at night. Lack of rest can also cause nightmares. As the sleep disorder progresses, the symptoms become more severe.

However, most infected people now experience only general symptoms, such as sore throat, cough, and fever. Sleep deprivation can be due to factors such as an immune response or inflammation caused by a virus.

Some patients experience sleep deprivation, but there is currently no conclusive evidence to support this. Some doctors say that any disease can affect the body in ways that can cause insomnia and fatigue or worsen sleep quality. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern and getting enough rest has a positive effect on your immune system. This will help you recover faster.

If you experience symptoms of H3N2, such as fatigue, insomnia, or decreased sleep quality with nightmares, it is best to consult your healthcare professional.





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