8 DIY Home Remedies for Effectively Managing Asthma

8 DIY Home Remedies for Effectively Managing Asthma

Blog written by: Sourav Pattanayak (M Pharm, MBA)

Asthma, a chronic lung condition, causes airway constriction and inflammation, which leads to recurring spells of coughing, chest pain, wheezing, chest tightness, and irregular breath. Even though the symptoms might differ depending from person to person, it is regarded as a long-term or chronic disorder. Pollen, dust mites, and pet dander are examples of allergens and irritants (such as smoking, air pollution, and strong smells), respiratory illnesses, exercise, and even mental stress that can cause the airways in people with asthma to become very sensitive. When exposed to certain triggers, the airways react by tightening and secreting excessive amounts of mucus, obstructing the airway and resulting in the typical symptoms of asthma. Although asthma cannot be cured, it can be successfully managed with the correct medical treatment and lifestyle adjustments. In today's blog, we will explore some effective home remedies that may help manage asthma at home.

How does an asthma attack a person?

As you routinely breathe, the muscles that surround your airways relax, enabling air to travel through them gently and easily. An asthma attack might have one of three probable results.

  • Bronchospasm-During an asthma episode, three things may occur. As they constrict, your airways become more obstructed. The airways are constricted, preventing air from moving freely.
  • Production of Mucus-The mucus production around the airways constricts, which causes tightness. In this condition, airways get narrower and more clogged with time. Through restricted airways, air cannot travel freely.
  • Inflammation-The airways' surrounding muscles constrict. the airways get more obstructed as they are constricted. Due to blockages, air cannot flow freely through the airways.

Asthma attack warning signs and symptoms 

  1. Breathing problems or a feeling that not enough air is being taken in cause shortness of breath.
  2. A whistling sound made during breathing that is frequently more audible during exhale.
  3. Panic or anxiety: Emotional anguish brought on by respiratory problems.
  4. A persistent cough, particularly at night or in the morning.
  5. Chest tightness is a sensation of constriction or pressure in the chest.
  6. Breathing more rapidly to compensate for the reduced airflow.

Home remedies for asthma

If your doctor diagnoses you with asthma, you must identify the causes of the attacks. You may be able to prevent an assault by avoiding the triggers. These DIY remedies can help you manage your symptoms.

  • Finding and avoiding triggers- Keep a list of things that might make your asthma symptoms worse, such as allergens, smoke, dust, or strong scents. Asthma episodes can be reduced by limiting exposure to certain factors.
  • Keeping your surroundings clean- Vacuum often to get rid of dust, pet dander, and mould. To prevent allergies, vacuum your carpets and furniture, wash your bedding periodically, and maintain a low indoor humidity level.
  • Using a humidifier- In certain circumstances, a humidifier that adds moisture to the air might help reduce asthma symptoms. To stop the development of mould and germs, it's crucial to clean the humidifier often.
  • Diaphragmatic and pursed-lip breathing are examples of deep breathing methods that can aid with lung function and calmness. These methods could be useful in managing asthma symptoms and episodes.
  • Ginger- Ginger contains anti-inflammatory qualities that might help lessen irritation in the airways. Ginger may be consumed by mixing it with tea or including it in your meals. Ginger should not, however, be used in place of prescription drugs.
  • Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties. Including turmeric in your diet or drinking it with warm milk or tea may help you control your asthma. Once more, it ought to be used in conjunction with medical care.
  • Herbal teas- Some herbal teas, such as chamomile or liquorice root tea, naturally provide calming and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds, cod-liver oil, oysters, and fatty fish like salmon, and mackerel, may offer anti-inflammatory benefits for those with asthma. Although including these items in your diet may be advantageous, speak with your doctor for more detailed dietary advice.                                        


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